DagangHalal In Consortium to Trade Mongolian Halal Meat Globally
In due course, Malaysia will have access to the delicious Mongolian Mongyu Meat. This is because of a joint venture DagangHalal founded with Mid-Tier Companies to import and also to become a hub of regional distributors within ASEAN countries. Under the halal Mongyu Beef and Lamb from Mongolia initiative, Malaysians can indulge in a unique and delectable cuisine since Halal Mongolian Meat is not widely available in Malaysia. This endeavour also enables more widespread global promotion, sales, and marketing of the aforementioned meat.
The establishment of a Halal slaughterhouse in Mongolia has been one of the several key initiatives being taken to further increase the commercial trading of Halal Mongyu Meat. DagangHalal, as the largest Halal marketplace, has taken the lead in working with international certifying agencies and veterinary departments to ensure worldwide Food Safety Management System (FSMS) and Halal compliance. By doing this, it will become more accessible to Muslims worldwide. And given the growing popularity of beef and lamb produced in Mongolia, a sizable market opportunity is available for Halal exporters and distributors.
The idea was initially formalised in a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by two respective parties during the Malaysia-Mongolia trade mission in September 2022: the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) and the Malaysian Consortium of Mid-Tier Companies (MCMTC), in which it was first introduced by Dato’ Ismail, Executive Director of Solar Alert Sdn. Bhd., Ir. Mahmood, CEO of MECIP Global Engineers Sdn. Bhd., and Mr. Martin Ang, CEO of Global Brand Synergy Sdn. Bhd. under the intention of introducing Halal Mongyu to Malaysians and across the world. Backing its mission was a capitalising interest of 2.2 billion (source: Population Reference Bureau) Muslim population, where a slow but steady development of the consumer base is being focused. DagangHalal is proud to form a business partnership with the 3 companies to take on this opportunity.
Mongyu Beef as Compared to Wagyu Beef
The famous Japanese wagyu beef needs no introduction for its recognition. Considered one of the most exclusive and expensive cuisines available today, the wagyu stands out in contrast to other meat variants due to its extensive marbling, creating an opulent, buttery suppleness that would satisfy taste buds.
The Mongolian beef, on the other hand, doesn’t fall short in terms of quality. Being sold for a fraction of the cost is among its advantages when compared to the likes of more prestigious meat available, whose enriching flavours also make Mongyu beef a main contender against the mentioned prestigious flesh.
With its staggering 67 million livestock population and a human population of only 3.3 million, Mongolia has one of the greatest livestock per capita in the world (source: Asian Development Bank). 7 million cattle comprise the 67 million animals in the livestock population, implying that they have an ample quantity of meat to distribute around the world. As a result of this, agriculture and animal husbandry accounted for 61% of Mongolian families’ main sources of income in 2020.
Due to cultural and environmental factors, Mongyu meat has a taste that is significantly different from other meat. Mongolian cattle, for example, are butchered at a much older age to make it hard and fatty, and their diet consists of whatever grass they can find on the ground. European cattle, on the other hand, are typically butchered at a younger age to make them more tender, and they are kept in enclosed environments with strict diets. Livestock in Mongolia is in good health and fit for consumption since their care is handled by environmentally friendly and sustainable standards that are widely recognised by experts.
Fat also contributes to the flavour of the meat. Western cattle are typically given soy, which eliminates the gamey flavour and affects their fat, but Mongolian meat is more gamey and similar to venison than western grocery store beef.
Mongyu beef is rated AA if Wagyu beef is branded as AAA. Therefore, it’s become an alternative should consumers become vested in the experience of tasting wagyu yet still consider it a more cost- effective option.
Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Collaboration – from left to right: Ir. Mahmood Azmy Muhammad Shukri, CEO of MECIP Global Engineers, Mrs. Bayasgalan Saranjav, Secretary General of MNCCI, Mr. Callum Chen, President of MCMTC, Mr. Battulga Davaalkhumbe, CEO of German Standard, Mr. Tony Er, COO of DagangHalal, Mr. Amartuvshin Otgondavaa, President of MNCCI, Mr. Martin Ang, CEO of Global Brand Synergy, and Dato’ Ismail Salleh, Executive Director of Solar Alert.
Moreover, local efforts will not be undertaken solely by DagangHalal. In collaboration with German Standard Co. Ltd., DagangHalal will share the know-how to comply with the destination countries’ import requirements and other relevant international standards hand-in-hand with MNCCI.
Thanks to cutting-edge technology that combines tracking and communication through the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, each shipment and order can be tracked and verified to be Halal- compliant well in advance, through every step of the way and into the hands of consumers adhering to permissible benchmark around the world using Halal Internal Audit System (HIAS) as part of the DagangHalal’s effort to build Global Halal Compliance Standard Ecosystem.
The finished product will be aimed not only towards wholesalers and butchers in the international market, but also be packaged and refined for sale to hotel, restaurant, and cafe operators as well as individual consumers, targeting several markets including Indonesia in particular, as it is the largest Muslim-majority nation in the world.
About DagangHalal
DagangAsia Network Holding Sdn. Bhd. (DANH) operates its DagangHalal.com digital businesses and intellectual property after a restructuring in 2019 and has maintained its mission of facilitating the trading of quality Halal products and services, matching suppliers and buyers via its online B2B market platform DagangHalal.com. Concurrently, DANH fine-tuned the DagangHalal business model and invested heavily in digital solutions and businesses to create valuable intellectual property. DagangHalal currently has over 4,300 suppliers and 13,000 buyers on its platform.
Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI)
The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) is the modern and effective representative body of the Mongolian private sector. It works in an active, transparent, and efficient manner to improve the business environment, and to make business opportunities in Mongolia accessible and beneficial for all companies and interested investors. MNCCI is engaged to improve the legal framework for businesses by working closely with the government and the parliament through effective public-private dialogue and by supporting the participation of the private sector in the creation of business opportunities.
Malaysian Consortium of Mid-Tier Companies (MCMTC)
The Malaysian Consortium of Mid-Tier Companies (MCMTC) is a group of like-minded captains of the industry who believe in the power of strategic alliances for sustainable business growth. Mid-Tier Companies (MTCs) are the key driving force behind the Malaysian economy and are defined as companies with annual revenues of between RM50 million and RM500 million in the manufacturing sector and between RM20 million and RM500 million in the services sector. As of 2021, there are approximately only 15,000 MTCs in Malaysia, which is only 1.7% of all registered companies in Malaysia. In brief, MTCs employs 16% of the nation’s workforce while contributing 40% of the nation’s GDP.
About MCMTC:
The MCMTC (Malaysian Consortium of Mid-Tier Companies) comprises of MTCs (Mid-Tier Companies) from all industries. The MTCs form 1.7% of total companies in Malaysia, employ 16% of the total workforce but contribute 39.9% of Malaysia’s GDP. Get in touch with us here.