E-Invoicing Forum
Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MICCI) and Malaysian Consortium of Mid-Tier Companies (MCMTC) held an informal but highly engaging session for their members at the MICCI Lounge on Thursday 16th May 2024. The E-Invoicing Forum was a full house event and had more than 80 participants who dialed in on Zoom. M.C. Wayne Shu of MICCI started the proceedings and our President, Callum Chen, kickstarted the event with a warm welcome to all and set the tone for open sharing and discussion. This was followed by the Keynote Address by Datuk Dr. Abu Tariq Jamaluddin, CEO of LHDNM (IRB of Malaysia).
The Director of Tax & Policy at LHDNM, @Dr Rasyidah Che Rosli then shared some updates on LHDNM’s ongoing efforts, and Mr.Saiful Izwan Mohd Shazali, Director of National E-Invoicing from MDEC, followed with a clear presentation and discussion on the importance of e-Invoicing for business digitalisation.
We were honoured to have the participation of Datuk Dr. Abu Tariq Jamaluddin who not only gave the Keynote Address but also joined the panel discussion with Datuk Ts. Fadzli Abdul Wahit, Head and Senior Vice President of Digital Transformation and our member, Ms.Wong Man Yee – Tax Specialist, Executive Director of Crowe Tax. Moderated by our member, Ms Agnes Wong Managing Partner of Syarikat Ong& Co., the Forum discussed practical aspects of managing challenging timelines, costings and administration faced by taxpayers, service providers and the public office. It was an insightful session with questions and comments that were very targeted and raised more awareness about the challenges faced by all parties in the ecosystem. There was active participation, including questions and comments from Ir Mahmood Azmy M Shukri, CEO of MECIP Global, Gek Yeow Hong, Director of FastTrack SBOi (SAP), and Dr. Veerinder Jeet Singh from KPMG. Despite some initial technical glitches, it was an engaging forum with active participation from members. Our members appreciated the direct engagement with LHDN and MDEC and special thanks to Saiful Izwan Mohd Shazali who stayed back for an informal lunch with our members.
There is no avoiding E-Invoicing and as our President Callum Chen put it, we should accept that issues will always be there, and we should all work together to resolve them. The mindset of the bosses is critical and for E-Invoicing, it is not only a task for the accounts / finance department but the entire company. “Let’s get started and let’s get moving!”
MalaysiaDigital LHDN EInvoice MTCs
MICCI CallumChen