The Malaysian Consortium of Mid-Tier Companies (MCMTC) fully supports our Prime Minister YB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in his efforts to prioritise economic recovery and growth for the Nation. He mentioned the need for efficiency in the Government machinery and the need to dismantle overlapping services.
Unfortunately, on 21 Dec 2022, our Unity Government seemed to have backtracked when the new Human Resources Minister V. Sivakumar announced at a press conference that “OCS (One Channel System) is under MOHR (Ministry of Human Resources), OSC (One Stop Centre) is under MOHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) now”.
In February 2022, the management of foreign workers was handed over to MOHR from MOHA. The Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) is the umbrella organisation overseeing the planning, management, and development of Malaysia’s manpower resources, and as such, the appropriate Ministry to manage foreign workers recruitment and management as well. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) controls the immigration affairs such as the issuance of work permits.
The questions that come to mind with the said announcement by the Human Resources Minister are: Why is there a necessity to still have various Ministries involved, with various document submissions? Would there be an improvement in the system or more confusion? Can we not have one single Ministry with a single online system that is transparent and easy to use?
Malaysia has a small population and a lot of our industries are still labour-intensive, i.e. dependent on foreign labour. As of now, applying for and getting foreign manpower requires a lot of time, effort and costs to deal with multiple agencies: MOHR, MOHA, JTK (Jabatan Tenaga – Department of Labour, under MOHR) and for those in manufacturing, MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Investment).
We would like to see more efficiency and transparency in the Government machinery. Any overlapping services in the Ministries should be eliminated as it will only serve to confuse and add unnecessary costs. The MCMTC stands together with the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)’s call for a single agency handling the entire foreign worker employment process from end-to-end (recruitment to repatriation) via a single online system to ensure clarity, transparency, and greater efficiency.
Callum Chen
President, MCMTC
Bernama: MCMTC calls for a single agency to handle foreign worker employment process
Business Today: Business Community Call For Single System For Processing Foreign Worker Permits
Edisi Viral: MCMTC calls for single agency to handle foreign worker employment process
Kuala Lumpur Grid: MCMTC calls for a single agency to handle foreign worker
LumiNews: MCMTC calls for a single agency to handle foreign worker employment process
Sinar Daily: MCMTC Calls For A Single Agency To Handle Foreign Worker Employment Process
The Borneo Post: MCMTC calls for single agency to handle foreign worker employment process
The Malaysian Insight: Companies Call for Streamlined Foreign Labour Recruitment Process
The Malaysian Reserve: MCMTC calls for a single agency to handle foreign worker employment process
Berita RTM: Malaysia Tumpu Pelaburan Berkualit Bagi Cipta Ekonomi Baharu-Zafrul
Berita RTM: MCMTC Saran Satu Agensi Kendali Proses Pengambilan Pekerja Asing
Bernama: MCMTC saran satu agensi kendali proses pengambilan pekerja asing
Malaysia Kini: Konsortium gesa satu agensi saja kendali proses ambil pekerja asing
About MCMTC:
The MCMTC (Malaysian Consortium of Mid-Tier Companies) comprises MTCs (Mid-Tier Companies) from all industries. The MTCs form 1.7% of total companies in Malaysia and employ 16% of the total workforce, but contribute 39.9% of Malaysia’s GDP. Get in touch with us here.